Saturday, May 3, 2008

Dinner with Friends

Last night I had a girls night out with some friends at Shakers. I have to say, I am so lucky to have such an awesome group of friends. I believe we hit on every topic known to man kind, from men to botox and from doing the "running man dance" to our kids, we left no stone unturned. We had great food and let me not forget to mention the Raspberry Twists and Kool Aid. Also, realizing we could have bought ourselves a bottle of Vodka, Kool Aid and Sierra Mist for a little over the cost of those $8 drinks and could have enjoyed ourselves all night! :0) I would post some pictures but seeing as how I forgot my camera, I have none to post.
I just wanted to thank you all for being such great friends now and for many years to come!
Love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are offically a blogging addict! Welcome to the group.
