Monday, June 30, 2008

Addison and Grayson

Ok, I am stealing this picture from my sisters blog page because I forgot to take my camera to the birthday party this weekend. Addison and Grayson had the best time playing in the little pool.

Funnel Cakes

Following in her Aunt Kelly's footsteps, Addison has found her new food love, FUNNEL CAKES! Last night at Celebrate America, Chris decided to get a funnel cake for Cameron but Addison had other ideas. Needless to say, both Addison and Cameron had to have their own so back to the concession stand he went. She managed to demolish about half of it then Chris and I finished the rest. Talk about a nutritious dinner! It was a wonderful evening with great friends, good music and an amazing fireworks display. The kids loved it!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My New Baby!

Yes, I am proud to announce the birth of my new baby.
Her name is: NIKON
And, this time I didn't gain weight nor did Chris have to put up with me for a miserable nine months!

The Bowen's Newest Additon

Megan and Larry

She's HERE!
Teegen Serabeth Bowen
7 lbs. 1 oz.

Please hurry home from Utah so we can meet her!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

TRBC - Vacation Bible School

Tonight was the final night of TRBC VBS. The theme this year was Indiana Joe and the Search for the Hidden City. It was absolutely amazing as is anything presented by TRBC. Imagine, on the final night, 1500 children in attendance! WOW~ Here are a few pictures from the night.

This is only about half of the sanctuary full of kids.

Jonathon and the snakes.

Charles getting slimed!

Jonathon getting slimed.

The finale!

I am constantly amazed by this church and am proud to be a part of it!

Friday, June 13, 2008


This week has been nothing short of a whirlwind. Last Saturday, Chris, Cynthia and I headed off to Herndon, VA for a wedding. It was an absolutely gorgeous wedding and I will try to post a few pictures in the next day or so.
Then on Sunday, Chris and I attended and photographed a reception for my good friend Courtney and her new husband James. Her parents threw a reception for them at Shoemaker's restaurant which was wonderful. The food there is amazing. One of these days Chris and I will visit there for dinner but from what I hear it is pretty pricey.
Sunday afternoon, we were all off to Williamsburg for a short vacation. Besides the heat, it was a fun trip. We visited Busch Gardens every day and Chris rode the Griffon five times. There were no lines to speak of, possibly due to the 105 degree weather. Luckily the kids, including Chris, were able to ride just about everything in the park. Even Peyton managed to stretch her neck enough to be able to ride the swings. They didn't let her ride them the first day because she was too short. Needless to say, we let her wear her platform flip flops the next day which barely put her to the height line. Her Nana told her to stretch her neck. Peyton took that to mean, stand on your tippy toes. All in all it was a fun vacation. We were fortunate to meet the many personalities of Peyton. While on vacation she transformed into her different personalities which she named, Carole, Cynthia and Cybil! You have to be around her to understand. She even proceeded to impress her Nana with her shopping abilities. We are definitely going to have our hands full when she becomes a teenager. God help us! Cameron invited his best friend Andrew to join us on our trip. The boys had a great time running around the park and enjoying the rides. I, however, learned that at my age the roller coasters which I loved in my 20's do not like me now that I am 30 something. Those days of riding the coaters back to back are GONE!
Here are a few pictures from our trip.

I have to give Chris credit for this picture. He took this from the ferry as we were riding back from Surry. He is so proud of his talents.

Peyton on the carousel.

Nana and Addison on the carousel.

Cameron and Andrew on one of those rides that I can no longer tolerate! :0)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Extreme Bridal

Yesterday, I had the most amazing opportunity to capture my cousin and her husband in an episode of Trash the Dress. Believe it or not, the only thing that ended up on her dress was a little spot of mud and water, of course. I have to say, I believe this was the best photo shoot I have ever done. And, we had SO much fun doing it. Here is a sampling:

By the way, CONGRATULATIONS on six wonderful years of marriage!

Now, who's NEXT???

Her friends joined in on the fun. They had been taking pictures since the morning and were almost done by the time we arrived.
